Tuesday, 20 October 2009

'pure as the driven snow'

Oddly enough, my Mum *always* told me she was a virgin until marriage (like I really cared as a 7 year old anyway?), then after Dad and her split she revealed her and Dad had lived together (in sin) for a year before getting married. Mum had told my Nanna she was going to live with my father, and they discussed it and agreed not to tell my Pop - oh, the old-school days!

also oddly, she asked me to not have sex til I was 21. Is my Mum not the oddest woman in the world?

Alas I was never the madly rebellious teenager - I lost my virginity first year uni like most people I know.... although found out years later she thought I'd shagged a guy I dated in high school. I do remember coming home from that boyfriend's house, saying hi to Mum... walking upstairs to my room and staring, horrified, at my reflection

my v-necked top was on back to front

never knew if she'd noticed or not :D