Saturday 25 October 2008

Viva Las Australia

It was a weird feeling, showering Wednesday morning and knowing that it was my last shower for at least 2 days

No, I wasn't going trekking somewhere exotic, I was going into the office, then going straight to the airport and flying to Australia

it's a long long way from London

2 tube rides
3 plane trips
1 train ride
and a short car trip later and I was home

flew out Wednesday, arrived on Friday. Thursday was lost to the world... passed in a haze of boring movies and novel pre-packaged servings of food

Slept most of yesterday and was wide awake at 4am this morning. After eating 3 chocolate bars for breakfast I managed to run 5km, go for a swim in the pool, go shopping with friends, visit my Dad (and commandeer overnight use of his car), attend my friend's fitting for her wedding dress, and after I have dinner with Mum I will drive an hour and a half north to visit a friend. It's his 4year old's birthday, but I'll get there too late to say hello to the little man.

I am redefining exhausted. Hopefully I'll live to blog again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you're overseas! have fun and may the men behave with more chivalry than on this wet go girl..