Monday 6 October 2008


overestimating the depth of a male's thought process is something I try not to do too often... they're simple creatures and I understand that

...but I forget sometimes

my fabulous gayest-non-gay-man-alive friend is not native to Australia, but having inhibited my home country for quite some years he laments the lack of chivalry and attention Australian men will pay to a woman

this boy is no exception

true to form - I get a text message (bastard woke me up!) at 12:30pm Saturday night asking if I'm going to be round my area the next day, turns out he's going to be in my neighbourhood and he ends up dropping by. It's very convenient for him and he doesn't suggest lunch or anything imaginative, just ends up stopping by and trying to jump me on the couch

I am so embarrassed that I contemplated whether the age gap or difference in our earnings would phase him...

- he's a 24 year old bloke

- who I've already slept with (whether I remember or not, quite sure it happened)

he doesn't care about our different lifestyles, he doesn't care about much, he just wants a shag


...while he's in the neighbourhood anyways

...and he doesn't even decide this until after midnight and a few too many drinks

this is me not feeling very special. However this is also me after an absolute man-drought that's lasted the better part of this year. I can't help but mourn the gradual deterioration of the strong standards I used to have about which men I'd deem worthy of spending time with.

I rationalise that he's fun company, cute, a decent kisser, and it' not like I'm throwing out my schedule or anything...


Morale of this blog:

"Don't look for Mr. Right. Look for Mr. Right Now"

Christina Walters (Cameron Diaz) - The Sweetest Thing


Rev.Lucy said...

so.....not meaning to be crass or unromantic........the question on everyones lips is......and i'm not proud to be the one to say it......did you bloody well shag him???

Rev.Lucy said...

ooo...sorry i meant to say in the last message....
Super Cilla can help you find a man...if you're up for it...she's a matchmaker extra ordinaire...all she demands is a strong liver, a sense of humour and an invite to the wedding...

SaneAndSingle said...

Yuck...I just don't understand what the heck happened to dating!! That really isn't a way to make a woman feel special!

This Cheeky Goddess... said...

haha - haven't gone a second round yet, no. Maybe in the name of research I owe it to myself to see if the shag I can't remember was actually a memorable one or not!

Got an update for you - the special-ness continues! Woke up and there's a text from 11:15pm last night saying he just drove past, should've he dropped in? (Old woman that I am I was well asleep!)

Super Cilla, I have a legendary liver, am hilariously funny and will send you an invite to the wedding for sure (does it have to be my wedding?)